Dew & Moss Blog Party

This year, I saw fireflies in person for the very first time and I gotta say, if I ever become a bug lover, I think fireflies would be it. They don’t bite, attack, or carry a disease. What a dream bug.


No, not that one. Although, that’s pretty dreamy, too. I’m talking about Alexandra Bordallo’s Dew & Moss Collection! When I saw those adorable firefly prints, I knew I had to make something with them.

Such pretty colors!

Such pretty colors!

With a need of a break from traditional piecing, I decided to relearn foundation paper piecing using the Lusk pattern by Carolyn Friedlander. Though I find fabric scraps to be more purposeful for this technique of quilting, I was determined to use these cute prints for this particular pattern.


Oh man. I forgot how challenging it is to switch my brain from traditional piecing to FPP. It’s such a different method. Like my first FPP project, the first block above took me a full hour to make. Right side down, ink side up, left side what now?

I had to turn Netflix off so I can give it my undivided attention. I mean, have you tried ripping seams set to a 1.0 stitch length? Not fun.

BUT right after that first block (and reading the instructions without Fleabag in the background), it got 100% easier! I found a good rhythm and even started chain piecing my blocks. Things were right side up again and I resumed watching Netflix while I sewed. Side note: Fleabag is hilarious.

How cute are those Jars O’ Bugs?!

How cute are those Jars O’ Bugs?!

I’m saving my leftover dark green print for another project. It’s such a versatile print!

I’m saving my leftover dark green print for another project. It’s such a versatile print!

I know, I know. Pressing seams is a skill I’m not willing to master.

I know, I know. Pressing seams is a skill I’m not willing to master.


There were no concrete plans on where the colors will go and which two colors to pair up but I had fun going the semi-improv approach with this project. There are a couple of pieces that I could’ve fixed but I’m happy with how it came out! Overall, there’s nothing more satisfying than learning to overcome a challenge and I’m proud to say that I am now an FPP fan. I may even have a foundation paper piecing pattern in the works!

Be sure to also check out the hashtags #agfdewandmoss and #dwmsewingparty on Instagram to see other creations with this collection! Thanks for stopping by!